free graphix 4 u!!! made these during various stages of making my website :) if you want to use them pls download them and host them locally as this page will likely change over time

point and click adventure game
ive posted a while ago i think about messing around with adventure game studio. its an old game engine meant for making sierra type adventure games. lately ive been experimenting with doing it with prerendered 3d graphics. its a very slow work in progress. i don't have any part of the game planned out im mostly just messing around with it to see all the things the engine is capable of. its also something i dont have a lot of time to work on, at most every few months or so.
below are some screenshots of the game at its current state. no looks are final these are roughly to map out the area. ultimately id love to do one those half 3d half painting super detailed backgrounds for the game but at this pace that would take 50 years.

thats it for now